Tuesday, April 7, 2020

🔴 How to Reduce Video Quality In Amazon Prime in TV

🔴 How to Reduce Video Quality In Amazon Prime in TV

In this article, you will see the exact method How to Reduce Video Quality In Amazon Prime in TV. You may already have noticed that when you play a movie or a video on amazon prime on TV (Sony, LG, Samsung Mi), the internet data is consumed at a higher rate. 

The data consumption is higher because TV screens are much larger and thus require higher resolution. On amazon prime, data usage optimized for larger television screens uses more data than videos played on your mobile device. However higher resolution results in a large amount of internet data.

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The good news is you can change video quality on amazon prime and limit data usage on amazon prime TV up to 0.7 GB/h against 1.8 GB/h. But this method works only when you cast a video from amazon prime mobile app from your iPhone or Android device.
Watch the following video to reduce video quality on amazon prime 
Following are the steps to limit data usage on amazon prime TV by changing amazon prime video quality settings

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  1. Open Your Amazon prime app on the TV 
  2. Click on "My Stuff" present at the bottom screen
  3. Click on Gear icon Present at the upper left-hand corner of the screen
  4. Click on "Stream and download"
  5. Click on "Cast data Usage" option
  6. Select "Data Saver "  
This will set default data usage when casting a movie or a video from the amazon prime app. 


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