How to type Beta Hat In Word
If you are wondering how to type beta symbol in Word document in Microsoft Word and put hat over the beta symbol, then this article is just for you. In this article, I had shown not only to how to put beta sign but also showed how to put an accent over the letter if you are writing an equation. The hat or cap symbol over letter is also called as circumflex.
How to Insert Hat in Word
To insert hat in MS word Following is the method
1. Open the Microsoft Word document
2. Then on the Main Menu Bar go to the 'Insert" Tab
3. At the Left-hand top corner of the "Insert" tab you will see the Option "Equation" click on it and a blue box will appear in the document
4. Now Click in the Box and on the Main Menu bar under "Equation" go to "Accent" and Select "
In this way, you can add hat template in Word
Now to insert the Beta symbol below the Hat accent following are the methods
Method 1: Beta Hat Symbol in Word
Click inside the dotted box and type \beta followed by the spacebar
Method 2: How to Insert Beta symbol in Word
Go to the "Insert" tab and Click on "Symbol" locate the beta symbol and insert to get beta hat in Word
The Method works on Both MAC (MacBook Air or MacBook Pro) and Windows version of Microsoft Word
Similarly, you can also type P hat, Y hat, R hat, alpha hat, and Gamma Hat symbols.
If you still have difficulty in following the above steps watch this video
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